Individual Route 2: Collaborative Musician
Module code
Curricular domain
Practical Classes
Group size
Number of course weeks
Class duration
Total contact hours
Study load
Form / content / level
Admitted to the second year.
The student sets out the personal learning objectives in accordance with the skills and general objectives mentioned in Competence Matrix Master of Music.
Specific learning objectives:
- Getting to know the full score, for single voices, as well as for the collaborative musician.
- Recognising weak points in each other’s collaboration, using a suitable rehearsal strategy and evaluating it.
- Respectful communication and being able to deal with criticism.
- Being flexible, being able to improvise, for instance continuing to play in difficult passages through a prima vista session, without obstructing the flow of the piece.
- Knowledge of languages, in communication, as well as for the notes and text in the score.
- Knowledge of instruments/voices that will be worked with in the piece.
- Organisational abilities (for instance: handing in the right scores in time; punctual arrival at rehearsals and ready to play; knowing the concert venue in time and being able to solve certain problems (light, stands, chairs, tuning, acoustics, etc)and/or being able to deal with it in a professional fashion, i.e. focused on a solution).
Relation to other modules
Collaborative musician links in with other parts of the curriculum. The student learns to play with others, which shows in their performances in the individual route, as well as in the performance lab.
The classical melodic instrumental or vocal student has main subject lessons in which they are accompanied by a piano coach, in order to get more familiar with their own choice of repertoire. The pieces that the student plays in concerts or exams are also worked on during these lessons.
Harmonic instrumentalists and Jazz & Pop students do not receive lessons with a piano coach, but they work together with other instrumentalists or vocalists. These duos or small ensembles / bands are being coached by a piano coach, or by an ensemble or main subject teacher.
In October, the subject starts with a communal lesson during Performance Lab, in which its content is clarified. After that, the students start working independently.
Mode(s) of instruction
Coaching, classes.
Piano coaches accompany the students at the piano, coach supervises groups of students in collaboration. Stimulates and motivates the student musically and regarding collaboration and rehearsal techniques. Sets challenges to help the collaboration to grow.
Material & Tools
Students are free to pick their own repertoire.
Student activity
Work with fellow students, self-study, sharing knowledge and experiences, motivation, insights, visions, techniques, etc.
Examination and assessment
Mode(s) of assessment
Formative (January and June):
Performances throughout the year.
Summative (June):
Granting of 32 EC after integral assessment.
Final performance, including portfolio for substantiation and justification, accompanied by digital documentation, including a reflection report are assessed by a panel of two main subject teachers, research coach, external specialist and a peer student. Input of other (external) teachers (i.a.) counts towards the assessment. The panel is chaired by the mentor or another independent member.
See integral assessment forms Assessment Master of Music, semester 3 and Assessment Master of Music, semester 4.
Pass requirements
The evaluators' ratings are equally weighted in the assessments, which is expressed in a mark between 1 and 10. A 5,5 or higher mark results in a pass.
After the performance, the student receives oral feedback by the chairman of the panel. This feedback is a summary of the evaluations and remarks of the various members of the assessment panel.
Examination procedure
Formative: instructors involved give their assessments in writing, which will be put in the student's portfolio.
Summative: Panel of teachers, supervised by an examiner assess the presentation and portfolio integrally.
Resit options
Additional assignment related to deficiencies or new performance.
Module summary
In the lessons Collaborative Musician, the student works with a piano coach or is taught in ensemble playing. In the latter case, the student forms for example a duo or trio or band with other students and is coached by the piano coach or a different teacher of choice.