Final Presentation

Module code
Curricular domain
Practical Classes
Group size
Number of course weeks
Class duration
50 minutes (this may be up to 15 minutes longer to compensate for necessary film fragments without music)
Total contact hours
50 minutes (for film composers this may be up to 15 minutes longer to compensate for necessary film fragments without music)
Study load
27 hours

Form / content / level

Admitted to ArtEZ Composition for Film and Theatre year 4, and students are only admitted once all the other course components have been cleared.
See Competencies Matrix.
Mastering the elements described under Content.
Relation to other modules
Related to the main subject modules and theory lessons.
Students prepare a portfolio presentation, or prepare an audition, dealing with all aspects relevant: selecting pieces, writing material, arranging pieces, choosing musicians, rehearsals, organizing instrument set-up (where necessary) and stage presentation.
All skills, aims and contents of the entire study curriculum are relevant to the audition. If the student graduates at the end of the fourth year, the audition takes place in a concert hall or a film theater. In all other cases, the audition will take place in a classroom and no technical support will be offered.
Mode(s) of instruction
Audition and/or portfolio presentation that can be conducted on-campus or online.
Material & Tools
Student's own material.
Student activity
Students independently organize all aspects relevant to the presentation.

Examination and assessment

Mode(s) of assessment
Presentation/Audition for a panel of three to five teachers. As a rule, two of the panel members are film-m or theater composers. The presentation is usually public. If the student graduates at the end of the fourth year, such a presentation takes place in the concert hall or a room where film can be run. In all other cases, the audition will take place in a classroom and no technical support will be offered.
Consistency, efficiency, economy of means, practicality, richness, intrinsic persuasiveness, richness, balance, intelligence, motivation, inventiveness, stylistic awareness, imagination, reflection (analysis, presentation), timing, authenticity and diversity.
Pass requirements
The student has completed this module if being awarded a minimum grade of 5.5.
Examination procedure
Examiners use an outline of relevant criteria to assess students, with the average grade being used as the final grade.
The examiners hand in their assessment forms 'face-down' to the chair, who then reviews whether the assessments are sufficiently similar, i.e., whether the graded evaluations diverge no more than two points. If there are no problems in this area, the chair subsequently fills out the complete chair form, which contains, in the verbal part, a summary of the reasoned evaluations provided by the several examiners. The average grade of the examiners' evaluations is used as the final grade.
In case the examiners' assessments diverge more than allowed, the chair initiates a panel discussion, and firstly asks the relevant examiners (whose grades diverge more than two points) to provide a further explanation. Subsequently the other examiners are allowed to participate in the discussion, and the chair eventually asks them to re-vote in consideration of the issues raised during the discussion. If the grades now fall within the permissible two-point range of divergence, the chair calculates the average grade of the re-vote and copies it to the chair form, under the heading of 're-vote', and this new average will serve as the final grade.
If the grades are still too dissimilar, the chair also uses the average of the re-vote as final grade, adding a note on the chair form indicating why (from their perspective) the examiners were unable to find common ground.
Tests conducted online are valid only if it is done without interruption. The chair will decide whether or not the test was valid.
Resit options
See the Education and Assessment Plan.

Module summary

This portfolio presentation or audition or a combination is the final module of the curriculum of Composition for Film and Theatre and can only happen if all other modules are finished.