Individual Route 2: Individual Productions / Free Space

Module code
Curricular domain
Practical Classes
Group size
Number of course weeks
Class duration
Total contact hours
Study load

Form / content / level

Completion of Individual Route 1: Free Space
See Competencies Matrix.
In general: The student sets out the personal learning objectives in accordance with the skills and general objectives mentioned in Competence Matrix Master of Music.
Specific: Realizing the students study plan with the help of external lessons / workshops / and productions. The student learns to independently set up and realise their individual productions. They prepare the productions, carry them out, and record the process in order to have a tangible product, which fits in with their study plan.
Relation to other modules
The choice of individual productions and the activities within their Free Space are in line with the learning objectives mentioned in the study plan and worked out in detail.
Students will complete at least on own productions or they will work actively on other people's productions. They are responsible for the content of the productions' module, which must correspond with their study plan. The time invested in the production must be in proportion to the number of credits awarded.
Examples of productions are: studio recording (incl. production of the music), making a website, having a film made to go with the music that the student writes, having music recorded, working with a DJ, etc.
At least one production in year 1 or year 2 should be interdisciplinary, combining music with one or more disciplines into one activity. It is about creating something new by crossing borders and thinking beyond them, by connecting and integrating different professions (inside or outside the arts), companies or technologies - with their specific perspectives - in the pursuit of a common task.
Each production should preferably be audio and video recorded.

A production comprises different aspects:
• Preparation;
• Presentation such as concerts, studio recordings and performances;
• Documentation: research, argumentation, justification, reflection, evaluation.

The student may pick the content of the Free Space independently, if related to the learning objectives as set out in the study plan. Examples include: participation in Bachelor courses (such as project weeks and electives), internships in the work field, participation in a renowned masterclass, recording a demo, etc. There is a small budget available for these activities.
Mode(s) of instruction
Individual research coaching to discuss research strategies and methods suitable for the project/production at hand.
Material & Tools
Depending on the productions.
Student activity
Research, studying professional literature, source study, creating a production (preparation + performance), completing research assignments, making assignments, writing reflections and justification and carrying out a survey.

Examination and assessment

Mode(s) of assessment
Formative (January and June):
Feedback of main subject lecturer(s).

Summative (June):
Granting of 36 EC after integral assessment.
Final performance, including portfolio for substantiation and justification, accompanied by digital documentation, including a reflection report are assessed by a panel of two main subject teachers, research coach, external specialist and a peer student. The panel is chaired by the student's mentor.
Consult the Feedback form Free Space and Assessment form Integral assessment year 2.
Pass requirements
The evaluators' ratings are equally weighted in the assessments, which are expressed as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. A satisfactory results in a pass.
Examination procedure
Formative: instructors involved give their assessments in writing, which will be put in the student's portfolio.
Summative: Panel of teachers, supervised by an examiner assess the presentation and portfolio integrally.
Resit options
Additional assignment related to deficiencies or new performance.

Module summary

In year 2 students carry out at least one production, including preparation, presentations, evaluation, reflection and justification. The student may choose the content of the free space, related to the learning objectives as set out in the study plan. A small individual budget is allocated each year to be used for classes and or education-related activities Criteria that must be met are: uniqueness, creativity, entrepreneurship, and/or showing initiative.