Individual Route 2: Individual Research

Module code
Curricular domain
Practical Classes
Group size
Number of course weeks
Class duration
Total contact hours
Study load

Form / content / level

Completion of Individual Route 1
See Competencies Matrix.
The student sets out the personal learning objectives in accordance with the skills and general objectives mentioned in Competence Matrix Master of Music.
Relation to other modules
The topic of the student’s research is related to individual productions and/or the final performance / product(ion). Focus and coherence are described in the personal study plan.
In the Master's program, the student develops into a research-oriented professional in music. The research activities are aimed at enabling the student to make an relevant and original contribution to the professional practice after completing this programme.
The general final level for research is described as follows: the student effectively and convincingly demonstrates that they have skills and knowledge relating to practice-based research at the level of a HBO master's degree (music). Under supervision of a research coach the student learns to set up and carry out a self-selected research project in the field of music and the artistic professional practice. This can be art-based research, product development or other music-related applications, or research in the field of current developments in the professional practice, society, arts, traditions and disciplines connected with music, entrepreneurship, etc.
Mode(s) of instruction
Individual coaching, Research Group Meetings.
Material & Tools
There is no compulsory book list, based on the idea that information on research strategies and methods should fit the student's personal trajectory. Coaches and/or content experts will recommend customised literature where necessary and possible.
Students who have little research experience are advised to purchase the following book: Grit, R. & Julsing, M. (2015). How to do Research. Groningen: Noordhoff.
As a practical handbook and to give an idea of the most important research strategies and methods, reference is made to: Denscombe, M. (2017). The Good Research Guide for small-scale social research project. Open University.
Student activity
Studying theory, writing justification, reflections and evaluations, (self-) analysis, practical research, finding background information and studying MOOCs.

Examination and assessment

Mode(s) of assessment
Summative (June):
Granting of 36 EC after integral assessment.
Final performance, including portfolio for substantiation and justification, research results, accompanied by digital documentation, including a reflection report are assessed by a panel of two main subject teachers, research coach, external specialist and a peer student. The panel is chaired by the student's mentor.
Consult the assessment form Integral assessment Master of Music, semester 3 and Integral assessment Master of Music, semester 4.
Pass requirements
The evaluators' ratings are equally weighted in the assessments, which are expressed as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. A satisfactory results in a pass.
Examination procedure
Summative: Panel of teachers, supervised by an examiner integrally assesses the final performance, including portfolio for substantiation and justification, research results, accompanied by digital documentation, including a reflection report.
Resit options
Additional assignment related to deficiencies.

Module summary

In the Master's program, the student develops into a research-oriented professional in music. The research activities are aimed at enabling the student to make an relevant and original contribution to the professional practice after completing this programme.
The general final level for research is described as follows: the student effectively and convincingly demonstrates that they have skills and knowledge relating to practice-based research at the level of a HBO master's degree (music). Under supervision of a research coach the student learns to set up and carry out a self-selected research project in the field of music and the artistic professional practice. This can be art-based research, product development or other music-related applications, or research in the field of current developments in the professional practice, society, arts, traditions and disciplines connected with music, entrepreneurship, etc.