Performance Lab 2: Interdisciplinary Work Week

Module code
Curricular domain
Practical Classes
Group size
Number of course weeks
Class duration
Total contact hours
Study load

Form / content / level

Admitted to the second year.
See Competencies Matrix.
The interdisciplinary workweek with other ArtEZ master's programs will allow students to be exposed to different environments of teaching and learning in order to enrich their experience and enhance their transferable skills whilst working with other students from different disciplines.
Relation to other modules
The module is related to Connecting the Dots.
Each year, the content of this interdisciplinary work week is decided upon..
Information about the work week will be made available through e-mail.
Mode(s) of instruction
The mode(s) of instruction depends on the content of the work week. In any case, there will be lectures and group lessons.
Material & Tools
Depends on the content of the work week.
Student activity
Dependent on the content of the work week.
Attending lectures.

Examination and assessment

Mode(s) of assessment
Granting of 2 EC after the second term.
Presentation and i.a. written reflection on the work week (at the end of projects), dependent on the content of the work week, are assessed by the teachers involved.
Consult MaMu - Assessment form Interdisciplinary work week yr 2.
Pass requirements
The evaluators' ratings are equally weighted in the assessments, which are expressed as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. A satisfactory results in a pass.
Examination procedure
The teachers involved assess the student in writing.
Resit options
Additional or alternative assignment(s).

Module summary

The interdisciplinary workweek will allow students to be exposed to different environments of teaching and learning in order to enrich their experience and enhance their transferable skills whilst working with other students from different disciplines.