
Module code
Curricular domain
Group size
Number of course weeks
Class duration
Total contact hours
10 hours
Study load
158 hours

Form / content / level

The student has successfully completed the first year.
See Competencies Matrix.
The student is able to:
Conduct independent study into a research question or theme relevant to their professional field.
Find expert assistance where necessary.
Assess and interpret relevant information sources (books, web, audio, video, interviews).
Process the acquired insights into a written report and some form of presentation for a specific audience.
Point out and explain the practical implications of their own profession.
Relation to other modules
Study groups, (student case).
The module commences with three introductory lectures explaining the different aspects of researching and writing a thesis or essay.
Students complete one of the following two writing assignments:
A thesis based on a chosen research question or subject related to the methodology of the student's main subject, possibly combined with music education or music psychology.
An essay or journalistic article on a subject related to the student's (future) profession.
Students choose their own subject or research question and write a preliminary plan for the outline of the work as well as their research activities. Research and writing can only commence after the thesis supervisor has approved the subject, outline and research plan; based on a meeting with the student, the supervisor must be adequately convinced of the feasibility and quality of the projected thesis.
In consultation with the supervisor, the student gathers suitable sources in order to complete one of the writing assignments listed above. The length of the work is to be mutually agreed upon between the supervisor and the student, but should be in concordance with the study load for this module.
Mode(s) of instruction
3 lectures, independent study, 3 tutorials with the thesis supervisor.
Material & Tools
Student activity

Examination and assessment

Mode(s) of assessment
Thesis assessment, oral defense.
Through their completion of one of the assignments listed under Contents, combined with the oral defense, the student demonstrates that they have mastered the skills listed under Aims.
Pass requirements
The module is completed with a 'Satisfactory' if the student has been awarded a minimum grade of 5.5 for both thesis and oral defense.
Examination procedure
The assessment panel consists of the thesis supervisor, a second reader.
Students hand in a digital version of the research report.
The thesis grade is determined before the oral defense, without additional comment or consultation, and equals the average assessment of the panel.
After this follows the oral defense, where the student answers questions related to the thesis. Subsequently the panel awards a grade in writing, also without additional comment or consultation, which is again the average assessment of the panel members.
Immediately following the defense, the avarage grade is announced and clarified to the student.
Resit options
In case of a failing grade, the following situations may apply:
the thesis is unsatisfactory: the panel devises an additional assignment and the student hands in the completed assignment for assessment.
and/or the oral defense is unsatisfactory: the student resits the defense, taking note of the panel's feedback and advice.

Module summary

Students research a subject related to the methodology of their main subject domain and present it in a thesis or essay. Students gain experience in contributing to the development of their professional domain.