Golden Ears
Module code
Curricular domain
Profile, extension and depth: Theory Classes
Group size
Number of course weeks
Class duration
45 minutes per week
Total contact hours
18 hours
Study load
94 hours
Form / content / level
Admitted to second year of Bachelor Jazz & Pop or Composition for Film and Theatre. This subject can also be followed online.
Developing skills to analyze sound and music from the point of view of a sound engineer.
The Golden Ear training is an specially designed course for sound engineers or others working in the field of music production and sound engineering with their ears.
The training leads to a competency in listening and naming phenomena of sound. With this competency you will easily be able to use the right processing tools and give your mix the direction you decide for.
Relation to other modules
CFT modules and all other sound engineering and related subjects.
A weekly training in class and daily short exercise of homework in listening to frequencies, reverberation times and dynamic processing and other phenomena in sound and music. Listening and designating sound phenomena with the right terms.
Mode(s) of instruction
Group classes. The sessions include 10 instruction classes and 14 exercise meetings.
Material & Tools
Golden Ears 4 CDs, rehearsal book.
Student activity
Examination and assessment
Mode(s) of assessment
Assessment by the instructor at the end of the module.
Students should have mastered the elements described under Contents, expanded their oral abilities and are able to designate what their hear in technical terms.
Pass requirements
The student has completed this module if being awarded a minimum grade of 5.5 at the end of the second semester.
Examination procedure
Assessment with a test.
Resit options
Module summary
A weekly training in class and daily short exercise of homework in listening to frequencies, reverberation times and dynamic processing and other phenomena in sound and music. Listening and designating sound phenomena with the right terms.