Aural Skills Classical

Module code
Curricular domain
Theory Classes
Group size
Number of course weeks
Class duration
One 50-minute class per week
Total contact hours
13 hours
Study load
71 hours

Form / content / level

Completion Music Theory 2 (Composition for Film and Theatre).
See Competencies Matrix.
General: further developing the audiation of notated music, geared towards students of Composition for Film and Theatre.
Specific: developing the practical application of melodic, harmonic and rhythmic skills, with an emphasis on classical practice.
Relation to other modules
Related to the theory modules. Please note this elective module is included in this module description only out of practical considerations, as its contents are closely linked to the module Music Theory 3 (Composition for Film and Theatre).
Practicing the naming, notating and singing of musical fragments from the usual domains.
At-sight singing, with and without accompaniment.
Monophonic and duophonic dictation.
Singing chords and chord progressions, both in ensemble with classmates, and separately as arpeggios.
Naming chord progressions by ear and notating them as chord symbols.
Rhythm: recognizing, reproducing and notating by ear all prevalent rhythms.
Mastering and integrating increasingly difficult discrete ear training concepts.
Transcribing solos and entire pieces.
Mode(s) of instruction
Group lessons.
Material & Tools
Materials designed by the instructor.
Student activity

Examination and assessment

Mode(s) of assessment
Assignments need to be handed in at regular points within the academic year.
Students gain proficiency in:
Singing a piece of intermediate difficulty at sight.
(Arpeggiated) singing a chord progression notated in symbols.
Notating a chord progression of intermediate difficulty in chord symbols by ear.
Recognizing, playing and notating more complex rhythms by ear.
Transcribing a piece of intermediate difficulty within a limited amount of time.
Pass requirements
A final grade of 5.5 or higher constitutes a pass. Assessment at the end of the autumn semester is formative and expressed in terms of satisfactory/unsatisfactory. It indicates a student's progress in this module. No ECs are awarded and there is no resit. Modules can only be absolved, and ECs awarded, after the end of the spring semester.
Examination procedure
The assignments are assessed by the group instructor, possibly in collaboration with another instructor of the same module.
Resit options
See the Education and Assessment Plan.

Module summary

This module is intended to develop students' audiation of notated music through the practical application of melodic, harmonic and rhythmic skills.