International Band Exchange

Module code
Curricular domain
Profile, extension and depth: Community
Group size
Number of course weeks
Class duration
Total contact hours
Study load

Form / content / level

Admitted to second year of Bachelor phase. This subject can not be done online.
See Competencies Matrix.
Developing organizational skills.
Relation to other modules
Related to several band modules.
Are you and your band seeking a band abroad with whom you could perform a double concert not only in Arnhem but also in the city where your partner band comes from?
You will organize everything entailed in these two double concerts yourself:
- Seeking and selecting the partner band;
- Developing all aspects of the concerts’ contents. Everything is possible here: from two sets to each band doing a set each evening or a section where the bands play together. It is up to the band to make the musical choices;
- Seeking a suitable venue where the double concert can be held in the Dutch city and also in the partner band’s home town;
- Where necessary, fund raising;
- The planning and organization of both concerts;
- Publicizing both concerts;
- Realizing the concerts.
Obviously, the partner band will be responsible for part of this work in terms of the concert taking place in its home city. Nonetheless, the concert abroad will also require some level of organization on the part of the Dutch band.
Each band member will work equally on these activities.
So as to be accountable, the band will subsequently draw up a protocol and a report of the entire process that includes an analysis of what went right along with points that could have been improved.
By way of a contribution, each participating ArtEZ student can declare a maximum of €200 travel expenses to ArtEZ. This is based on verifiable petrol costs. All other cases require consultation and must first receive our express approval. But in any case, you must never exceed the maximum amount of €200.
Mode(s) of instruction
Material & Tools
Student activity
Students organize everything by themselves.

Examination and assessment

Mode(s) of assessment
Assessment by the course coordinator of the project(s). Students must inform the coordinator of their planned activities before scheduling an international band exchange.
Relevance to the student's development, as well as adequate completion of the chosen project.
Pass requirements
The student has completed this module if they are graded "satisfactory".
Examination procedure
After the activities the student will write a report and hand it in to the coordinator, who will assess it.
Resit options
See the Education and Assessment Plan.

Module summary

You seek a band abroad with whom you could perform a double concert not only in Arnhem but also in the city where your partner band comes from. You will organize everything entailed in these two double concerts yourself.