Overtone Singing (Mikula Schulz)

Module code
Curricular domain
Profile, extension and depth: Practical Classes
Group size
Number of course weeks
Class duration
One 30-minute lesson per week
Total contact hours
8 hours
Study load
104 hours

Form / content / level

Admitted to second year Jazz & Pop or, Composition for Film and Theatre. This subject can only be followed on-campus.
See Competencies Matrix.
Students learn how to listen to and produce overtones in at least one of four different presented styles. In addition, they know the harmonic scale.
Relation to other modules
This module is related to vocal modules.
We will first listen to different styles of overtone singing, focusing on the Mongolian and western- European techniques. After acquiring the theoretical background of the harmonic scale and some basic anatomic structures we will experiment with vowels and finally produce overtones. Finally we dive more into the different styles of the Khöömei and the different timbres attached to them.
Mode(s) of instruction
Individual training sessions.
Material & Tools
Handed out by the instructor (where applicable).
Student activity

Examination and assessment

Mode(s) of assessment
Assessment by the instructor at the end of the lessons.
Students should have mastered the elements described under Contents. Active participation is an important criterion.
Pass requirements
The student has completed this module if they are graded "satisfactory".
Examination procedure
Resit options
See the Education and Assessment Plan.

Module summary

Being in touch with overtones and produce them yourself.