Vocal Improvisation Support (Ineke van Doorn)

Module code
Curricular domain
Practical Classes
Group size
Number of course weeks
Flexible, in person lessons can be alternated with short online meetings
Class duration
Flexible, in person lessons can be alternated with short online meetings
Total contact hours
5 hours
Study load
79 hours

Form / content / level

Admitted to the third or fourth year Jazz & Pop Vocals.
See Competencies Matrix.
Developing improvisational skills with the voice giving new musical inspiration for development.
Relation to other modules
This module is related to the main subject module.
This elective gives you the opportunity to receive support in developing your vocal improvisation skills.
Vocal improvisation is not only great fun, but also enhances your creative and musical skills, which is also beneficial for singers who do not plan to improvise on stage. In this course, you will explore the necessary musical, creative and technical skills to develop your own personal voice in vocal improvisation. The content depends on the student's needs and may also vary stylistically. Topics may include sound and syllables, vocal technique, vocal effects, timing, phrasing, harmonic content, storytelling and free improvisation. Special emphasis will be placed on practicing vocal improvisation. This elective consists of individual lessons and works from the student's level.
Mode(s) of instruction
Individual classes. If the student wishes so, the classes can be combined with other students who follow this vocal elective.
Material & Tools
Materials chosen by the instructor.
Student activity

Examination and assessment

Mode(s) of assessment
Assessment by the teacher at the end of the elective.
Students should have some experience dealing with the elements described under Contents.
Pass requirements
A minimum grade of 5.5.
Examination procedure
Written assessment by the instructor.
Resit options
See the Education and Assessment Plan.

Module summary

This module is designed to help students continue in their vocal improvisation development after their technical exam.