Master: Individual Productions 2

Module code
Curricular domain
Practical Classes & Community
Group size
Depending on the productions
Number of course weeks
Depending on the productions
Class duration
Depending on the productions
Total contact hours
Depending on the productions
Study load
336 hours, including contact hours

Form / content / level

Completion of Individual Productions 1.
See Competencies Matrix.
Developing all competencies related to this module.
Relation to other modules
This module is related to Main Subject.
Students will complete 3 own productions. Alternatively, they will work actively on other people's productions or on course productions.

Students are responsible for the contents of the productions' module, which must meet with their mentor's approval.

The time invested in the production must be in proportion to the number of credits awarded.

At least one production in year one or year two should be interdisciplinary, combining music with one or more disciplines into one activity. It is about creating something new by crossing boundaries, and thinking across them, connecting and integrating several professions (inside or outside the arts), businesses or technologies — along with their specific perspectives — in the pursuit of a common task.

Every production should preferably be recorded in both sound and vision.

A production comprises different phases:
Presentations such as concerts, studio recordings and performances;
Evaluation, reflection and a report.
Mode(s) of instruction
Depending on the productions.
Material & Tools
Depending on the productions.
Student activity
Contributing individually to the productions; Possibly working on the public relations.

Examination and assessment

Mode(s) of assessment
Verbal as well as written evaluation of the productions by the mentor, including the student's own reflection report, that includes documentation material.
Depending on choices and goals as indicated in a, by the mentor, approved production plan.
Pass requirements
The student has completed this module if they are awarded "satisfactory" by the mentor, at the end of the second semester.
Examination procedure
At the end of the series of classes the mentor fills out an assessment form. Assessment is comprised of a verbal evaluation and a concluding grade. The mentor reviews this assessment with the student during the first subsequent meeting. Assessment at the end of the autumn semester is formative and expressed in terms of satisfactory/unsatisfactory. It indicates a student's progress in this module. No ECs are awarded and there is no resit. Modules can, in those cases, only be absolved, and ECs awarded, after the end of the spring semester.
Resit options
See the Education and Examination Regulations.

Module summary

Students carry out 3 productions per year, including preparation, presentations, evaluation, reflection and a report