Student name *
Please select your name in the drop down menu
Phone number *
Please fill out your current number so we can reach you if questions arise
Is this a new request or a revision of a previous request? *
Choose "revision" only if you already handed in a signed print of the PDF at the administration, as only those could already have been reviewed by the board of examiners
What academic year does this request apply to? *
Choose one from the drop-down menu. Normally it's 2024-2025 obviously, but in some cases, it can also be the current year (in case of a revision or late start for instance)
If you are a Jazz & Pop student and have chosen non-ArtEZ modules: external institute and faculty
Please indicate the institute's name and faculty. You don't have to fill out this part if you choose electives from the drop-down menu below only. Please note that students Composition for Film and Theatre are not allowed to choose non-ArtEZ modules
If you are a Jazz & Pop student and have chosen non-ArtEZ modules: external point of contact
Please indicate the person in charge at the external institute. You don't have to fill out this part if you choose electives from the drop-down menu below only. Please note that students Composition for Film and Theatre are not allowed to choose non-ArtEZ modules
My choice as compulsory Elective Band *
Year 2 students do a compulsory Elective Band in their program. Please bear in mind that the credits for this compulsory Elective Band will not be added to the total number of credits below, but will be part of your program. Make sure you do not choose it again in the list below, and keep in mind you can choose other, additional Elective Bands in that same list.
The number of credits you have to choose is 0 (in year 1).15 (in year 2).27 (in year 3).33 (in year 4).
Please note that a restriction applies when choosing electives, concerning classes from specific curricular domains: in total at least 6 credits (of which at least 3 credits in year 2 and/or 3) must be allocated to both educational electives and business electives.
The number of credits you have to choose is 0 (in year 1).13 (in year 2).23 (in year 3).33 (in year 4).
Please note that a restriction applies when choosing electives, concerning classes from specific curricular domains: in total at least 6 credits (of which at least 3 credits in year 2 and/or 3) must be allocated to both educational electives and business electives.
The number of credits you have to choose is 0 (in year 1).13 (in year 2).24 (in year 3).32 (in year 4).
Please note that a restriction applies when choosing electives. In total at least 6 credits (of which at least 3 credits in year 2 and/or 3) must be allocated to business electives. For Jazz & Pop students in total at least 6 credits must be allocated to educational electives as well. You (being a student Composition for Film and Theatre) are advised to choose at least a few electives in the educational domain as well, but it is not mandatory. If you want to keep track of the numbers you can find the amounts you have chosen in both domains below.
The number of credits you have to choose is 0 (in year 1).0 (in year 2).0 (in year 3).0 (in year 4).
For Master students no restriction applies when choosing electives, concerning classes from specific curricular domains. For other students in total at least 6 credits must be allocated to educational electives and/or business electives. You may take into consideration to choose at least a few electives in both domains, but it is not mandatory. If you want to keep track of the numbers you can find the amounts you have chosen in both domains below.
The number of credits you have to choose is 0 (in year 1).16 (in year 2).21 (in year 3).33 (in year 4).
Please note that a restriction applies when choosing electives, concerning classes from specific curricular domains: in total at least 6 credits (of which at least 3 credits in year 2 and/or 3) must be allocated to both educational electives and business electives.
Total number of credits: 0
Number of credits in the business domain (including earlier year(s)): 0
Number of credits in the education domain (including earlier year(s)): 0
Outline Extracurricular Activity *
Please indicate in a few words the rough outline of your plans.
Duo Partner *
If you have a duo partner already, for Duo Class or Vocal Accompaniment, please indicate here who that is. The partner should do exactly the same on their form.
One-To-One Learning/Teaching Partner *
Registration to One-to-One Learning is only possible together with a One-to-One Teaching student, and to One-to-One Teaching is only possible together with a One-to-One Learning student. You must indicate here, who your partner is.
Tour Management *
In some subjects, it is all too common for students to choose it even though they do not meet all the prerequisites to enter. This is such a subject. To prevent problems later: please confirm that you have completed the subject Production Management, as this is a prerequisite for the elective Tour Management. As a confirmation, you can simply enter "Yes" in the text field on the right.
Fundraising *
In some subjects, it is all too common for students to choose it even though they do not meet all the prerequisites to enter. This is such a subject. To prevent problems later: please confirm that you have completed the subject Finances and Administration, as this is a prerequisite for the elective Fundraising. As a confirmation, you can simply enter "Yes" in the text field on the right.
Studio Technology *
In some subjects, it is all too common for students to choose it even though they do not meet all the prerequisites to enter. This is such a subject. To prevent problems later: please confirm that you have completed the subject Music Technology, as this is a prerequisite for the elective Studio Technology. As a confirmation, you can simply enter "Yes" in the text field on the right.
Acoustic Piano Trio *
All three members should choose this elective. Please indicate which other two students are in your trio. Those partners should do exactly the same on their form.
Act Development *
All members of your act (can be a band or otherwise should choose this elective, as you follow it as an act. Please indicate which other students are in your act. Those partners should do exactly the same on their form.
External Education *
Please draw up a detailed plan for the external education you would like to follow.
Preferred lecturer Harmony at the Piano
Please indicate your preferred lecturer. Please mind that we will try our best, but can't give any guarantee the preferred lecturer will be the one you will be assigned to. If you have no preference, please leave this field blank.
Lecturer, Own/Subsidiary Instrument, Personal Goals *
Please indicate:
1. Your preferred lecturer;
2. Whether you want to take the minor on a subsidiary instrument/voice/composition or on your major. If you want to take the minor on a subsidiary subject, you must have mastered that subject to a certain level. The standard is approximately the entry level of the preparatory course (with exceptions; see module description). This must be tested during an audition for or visit to the desired teacher (initiated and arranged by the student) in which the teacher can determine the student's level on the subject. Please confirm here that you have taken that test and the result was positive;
3. What you aim to develop with this minor.
Coherence of the chosen electives *
Please indicate the coherence of the chosen electives and motivate your choices in relation to your study aims and future professional practice. The Board of Examiners will review the program’s coherence in relation to your motivation.
Overview study load
If you have chosen regular electives only (i.e. chosen from this list) you don’t have to fill out this part. If not (i.e. if you follow modules from outside ArtEZ) please provide an overview of the study load below. The Board of Examiners requires a detailed overview.
Please describe the type of assessment of the chosen modules
If you have chosen regular electives only (i.e. chosen from this list) you don’t have to fill out this part, since all modules of the ArtEZ School of Music are fully described in the electronic learning environment. If not (i.e. if you follow modules from outside ArtEZ) describe the type of assessment of the chosen. The Board of Examiners requires a detailed overview.
Click here to download a PDF file of this form.
Please check that you didn't choose any subjects which are already compulsory in your curriculum, as (finished and unfinished) courses already in your schedule (Osiris) should not be elected again.